Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day............
Well..... another week has flown by..... finding myself in need of some down time to just catch my breath!!! Mine and Nicole's word for this week is WAITING!!! And while it is lacking in artistic merit.... I KNEW that this would be my shot for this week!!!! This scene plays itself out day after day at my house (as proven by the slobber marks on the window!!! heeheehee)..... sweet Scout waiting for Rick to return home!!! Waiting patiently to give him all the love his little heart can hold!!! Our sweet puppies.... sooooo excited and happy to see us each day.... every time we walk in the door you would think they hadn't seen us in weeks!!! Tails wagging... waiting.... to give us big ol wet dog kisses and let us know just how much they have missed us!!!! Unconditionally they wait..... wait for us to finish whatever we think is important at the time.... wait for us to notice that they have found their favorite toy and would really LOVE to play.... wait for us to realize that it's been awhile since they have been for a w-a-l-k!!! (ya have to spell that word around here!!!) They are always waiting..... to love you!!! And my life is better because of them!!! I believe that God created a special little place in our hearts that can only be filled by the love of a dog!!! And I consider myself pretty darn luck to be sooooo loved by mine!!! Heck.... I certainly like them better than most people!!! :) And as I sit here typing this, I am blessed to have them both curled up by my feet.... waiting.... for me to finish what is important at the moment.... waiting to give me all the love in their little hearts!!!! :) Be sure to check out Nicole's shot this week too!!!!
I know all too well about the waiting, and when the waiting is over! But aren't we all waiting for something?