..... life is all about perspective!!!! And everyone's perspective is different!!!! That is what I love about photography... It is a reflection of the inner ME!!!! I capture what I see the way that I see it.... and I love how others view the same thing so differently!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011


I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..........

This week mine and Nicole's word is FEMININE....  I have to say that I really struggled with this word!  Feminine would be the absolute LAST word that I would use to describe myself....  I am not a frilly girl....  I don't really even have frilly things!  There are no lacy flowy girly girl things hanging in my closet....  No feminine decor in my home....  I am a pretty low maintenance girl....  not a ton of makeup....  no foo foo hairdo!!!  And God sure knew what He was doing when he blessed me with a BOY cause I would have surely not have survived many years with a drama filled girl!!!!  (plus I would have NEVER been able to fix her hair!!! heeheehee)  I have always said that I was my Daddy's first born SON!!!  I would rather be out in the yard throwing a softball than wearing ballet shoes....  and I wanted BB guns and bikes for Christmas!!!  My momma.... bless her heart....  she tried her best to doll me up and at least make me LOOK girly....  but without fail, I was always the shoeless little girl with the kool-aide mustache and spagetti-o's all over the front of her dress!   It's just not who I am.... not who I have ever been!!!   However....  I am still a girl....  just not of the girly type!!  :)  I just happen to prefer running marathons and riding my bike over tea parties and shopping!!!  :)  It has taken me a really long time to realize that it's okay to embrace the girl that I am!!!  It's okay to be a strong woman.....  strength and determination doesn't make me less of a woman.... it doesn't make me less feminine!!!  Although the GIRLY GIRLS would sure like to make you feel that you are!!!  The fact is this....  frilly lacy girly girl THINGS don't make you a woman....  and when you take that all away....  those foo foo girls and I are just alike!!!   We are women.... we are feminine!!!  Be sure to head over and check out Nicole's shot for this week too!!!!

1 comment:


My photo
I'm a simple girl, in a complicated sorta way.... love to buy shoes... but hate to wear them!! :) I am drawn to light!!! In life and in my photography.... it fills my soul.... it makes me happy... it takes my breath away!!! So welcome to the world inside my head.... captured one photo at a time!!! :)