I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..........
This week mine and Nicole's word is FEMININE.... I have to say that I really struggled with this word! Feminine would be the absolute LAST word that I would use to describe myself.... I am not a frilly girl.... I don't really even have frilly things! There are no lacy flowy girly girl things hanging in my closet.... No feminine decor in my home.... I am a pretty low maintenance girl.... not a ton of makeup.... no foo foo hairdo!!! And God sure knew what He was doing when he blessed me with a BOY cause I would have surely not have survived many years with a drama filled girl!!!! (plus I would have NEVER been able to fix her hair!!! heeheehee) I have always said that I was my Daddy's first born SON!!! I would rather be out in the yard throwing a softball than wearing ballet shoes.... and I wanted BB guns and bikes for Christmas!!! My momma.... bless her heart.... she tried her best to doll me up and at least make me LOOK girly.... but without fail, I was always the shoeless little girl with the kool-aide mustache and spagetti-o's all over the front of her dress! It's just not who I am.... not who I have ever been!!! However.... I am still a girl.... just not of the girly type!! :) I just happen to prefer running marathons and riding my bike over tea parties and shopping!!! :) It has taken me a really long time to realize that it's okay to embrace the girl that I am!!! It's okay to be a strong woman..... strength and determination doesn't make me less of a woman.... it doesn't make me less feminine!!! Although the GIRLY GIRLS would sure like to make you feel that you are!!! The fact is this.... frilly lacy girly girl THINGS don't make you a woman.... and when you take that all away.... those foo foo girls and I are just alike!!! We are women.... we are feminine!!! Be sure to head over and check out Nicole's shot for this week too!!!!
Love the shot and the quote!