A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn.......
This week mine and Nicole's word is CURVE..... I had lofty creative ideas for my shot for this week.... but no time to see them through!! :( Funny how life seems to get in the way of our creativity!! I day dream sometimes of the things that I could do given the time!!! And then I am quickly returned to reality by responsibility!! yuck.... and to think that I couldn't wait to grow up!!! What was I thinking???!!! I love the above quote.... and thought it quite fitting for my life right now.... even for my photo this week!! Confirms to me that although life doesn't always go as we plan.... we have to stay on course.... bend..... be flexible!!! Because it is in the curves of our life that we grow... learn... become stronger... discover what is really important!!! So my shot this week is NOT of a long stretch of curving road... no curved railroad tracks... no awesome little ladybug... (I looked hard for that one... to me she would be the PERFECT curve!!) NOPE... my shot is of the curved rim of a glass... and some freakin AWESOME light!!! And my focus this week has been to stay on track.... no matter how many curves there are in front of me!!! :) Be sure to head over and check out Nicole's shot for this week too!!!!
This is an awesome photo - love the curve!!