..... life is all about perspective!!!! And everyone's perspective is different!!!! That is what I love about photography... It is a reflection of the inner ME!!!! I capture what I see the way that I see it.... and I love how others view the same thing so differently!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Life: a cycle. A series of events, meetings, and departures. Friends discovered, others lost, Precious time, wastes away. Big droplet tears are shed for yesterday, but are dried in time for tomorrow, until all that remain are scattered memories of  a happy yesteryear

.Well....  here we are at week 10 and mine and Nicole's word for this week is SCATTERED...  be sure to head over and check out Nicole's interpretation of this weeks word too.  Scattered....  I like that word!!  :)  Thought of tons of things that I could photograph...  um...  my laundry room....  scattered with clothes in various stages from dirty to ready to put away...  my dining room table scattered with 2 months worth of mail...  yep...  at least 2 months worth!!  yikes!!!  And boy if I could get a shot of all the scattered randomness that is in my head!!!  WOW!!  But I decided to hit ya with a little symbolism this week folks!!  :)  Now if you truly know me, you know that I believe EVERYTHING (good or bad) that happens to us in this life, happens for a reason....  I believe in finding value in all people...  no matter how hard that is sometimes!!  :)  I am a firm believer that the people that I encounter, the circumstances of each new day...  the hand that I am dealt so to speak....  are all part of my journey in this life....  So, with all of that being said... when I reflect... when I look back on my life up to this point...  I see scattered memories of people, places and situations that have helped me to become the person that I am today....  Some of those precious memories have been captured in the photographs scattered on the floor in my shot.....  and some of them are only a snapshot in my mind....  but all of them are important...  they litter my path!!  :)  They remind me where I have been and where I NEED to be....   Scattered moments of lessons learned....  scattered memories of dear friends and family near and far who have touched my life....  So my shot this week is a symbol of my journey....  scattered behind me are the people and places that have helped me to be the person that I am....  and before me....  well before me is a well lit path...  a path filled only with His light.....   and endless possibility!   :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! ---that is all I can say---





My photo
I'm a simple girl, in a complicated sorta way.... love to buy shoes... but hate to wear them!! :) I am drawn to light!!! In life and in my photography.... it fills my soul.... it makes me happy... it takes my breath away!!! So welcome to the world inside my head.... captured one photo at a time!!! :)