First United Methodist Church Montgomery Alabama
Everything has its beauty
but not everyone sees it.....
WOW!!! It's hard to believe that Nicole and I are at the 2 month mark.... week 8 and our word is ARCHITECTURE. Be sure and head over and check out Nicole's take on this weeks word too. I have to admit that I was VERY intimidated by this word.... When I think of architecture I think of large scale shots and I am more drawn to the simplicity of detail.... so large scale things like buildings and landscapes really overwhelm me!!! However, I knew that the First United Methodist Church here in Montgomery was what I wanted to photograph!! When we first moved to Montgomery we actually lived right across the street from this church.... every day THIS was my view!! And what an amazing view.... changing with the seasons.... majestically perched up on a hill... the bell tower chiming on the hour.... and while Montgomery is FULL of historic buildings and homes THIS building by far wins the "beauty" contest!! :) This Neo-Gothic style church building was constructed from 1928-1941. The FIRST church building was erected in 1835 and it was called “Court Street Methodist” Church. In 1928, the congregation decided to relocate and a long process of construction began in the new location of what is now know as Old Cloverdale. What is VERY interesting is that the lead glass windows that are in the tower of the house that we now live in are said to have come from the OLD Court Street Methodist Church building.... I think that is pretty darn cool!!! :) So while I really like my shot.... (used a fish eye lens to get the really cool effect!!) I just don't feel that it does this amazing structure justice! It is in the details that I find the true beauty of this place.... the intricate details of chiseled stone arches... stained glass windows... the hand carved curves of each door... the countless stories that could be told by this historic place... beauty that can only be truly appreciated with a closer look! Kinda like people... Too often we are quick to formulate an opinion of someone based on our broad view of them... never taking the time to REALLY see them! Just like this AMAZING structure... we pass by and notice its beauty but unless we stop and take some time, we will never really appreciate the depth of the beauty that exists. We too often miss out on the fact that REAL beauty lies in the details!! :) Soooo... my challenge to you and to myself is this... may we all take the time to notice the beauty in the details of the things and the people that surround us!! :)